Introduction and Welcome
This site is intended to be a journal of a coalition seeking to improve the availability and quality of person-centered support for people with developmental disabilities. The team-members and I hope that through this website, our efforts will be transparent to the community, a tool for learning and a source of feedback from stakeholders especially the people we serve and their families.
At the present moment, the team writing here will begin as:
Joe D'Onofrio of CHOICESS, a provider of supported living services to adults between downtown Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley.
Alana Hampton of Reach, a provider of Applied Behavioral Analysis in eastern Los Angeles County.
Doug Pascover of ¡Arriba!, a provider of Independent Living Services in eastern Los Angeles County.
We expect the team to grow over time to include other members of the East Los Angeles Regional Center Vendor Leadership Forum.
It's our hope that you enjoy this process. For those of you who are new to blogging, you may join the conversation by clicking on "comments" below any post.
This site is intended to be a journal of a coalition seeking to improve the availability and quality of person-centered support for people with developmental disabilities. The team-members and I hope that through this website, our efforts will be transparent to the community, a tool for learning and a source of feedback from stakeholders especially the people we serve and their families.
At the present moment, the team writing here will begin as:
Joe D'Onofrio of CHOICESS, a provider of supported living services to adults between downtown Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley.
Alana Hampton of Reach, a provider of Applied Behavioral Analysis in eastern Los Angeles County.
Doug Pascover of ¡Arriba!, a provider of Independent Living Services in eastern Los Angeles County.
We expect the team to grow over time to include other members of the East Los Angeles Regional Center Vendor Leadership Forum.
It's our hope that you enjoy this process. For those of you who are new to blogging, you may join the conversation by clicking on "comments" below any post.
I like it Doug! Good you think we should put something like what you wrote in your post
"a journal of a coalition seeking to improve the availability and quality of person-centered support for people with developmental disabilities"
under the title, to give a clearer idea of what this site is for?
Alana, I'll take care of it. Does Reach 4 you have a website I can add as a link?
The title is great. We just finished our first Path for the VLF and look forward to using this format to communicate learning new skills, insights and ideas to move toward improving individuals lives. Great job Doug.
Thanks, Joe. I look forward to seeing you two post here, too.
Hey Joe, I am disappointed that I had to miss the meeting today, but am looking forward to the future of the VLF and wanted to thank you for bringing your positive and proactive energy to it, as well as intrroducing us all to Michael Smull.
And Doug, I agree...this is a perfect forum to encourage collaboration and transparency...Thank you and Joe for going the extra mile...or marathon rather, in order to further advocate for the individuals we are all here to serve! A really great start so far!
Hello everyone just a friendly reminder that on Thursday 9:00am we have our monthly VLF meeting at ELARC. We will review the PATH. Hope to see you there.
Alana thanks so much for your comments it has been a great opportunity to work together on this path and what a great tool to assist us. Thanks
Minutes from our last VLF Meeting:
Liz shared the schedule of events with Michael Smull the week of march 20th. It will be at the South Pasadena Community Center.
Update on trainings: Symposium with Tri-Counties Regional Center, CSLN conference and CIRCL gathering Lee gave a quick update on the Micro-enterprise training provided by Sherry Beamer Dale Dutton and
Liz shared information on the Grass roots day in Sacramento. The idea was thrown around to look at doing another vendor fair.
The path was distributed to VLF as well as copies were available for the VAC. Thanks Yvette.
Joe passed around an example of what’s working tool that was used in a team meeting.
Review actions:
Sarah will send out information to the vendors.
Liz will provide more information regarding Grass roots day to the VLF
Joe to put the minutes on the BLOG.
Tools to share at next meeting:
Liz and Alana will use what’s working tool
Lee is using the learning log
Joe is using important to/for, donut and whats working tools at next weeks presentation on end of life issues.
On march 3rd we had our second Learning community meeting. Alana, Cathy and Joe were present sharing ideas of how to keep the momentum going and the learning happening in phases. We have a good start with the first round of person centered thinking training and coaches training. After this months coaches training with the regional center and vendors we will strategize with Michael Smull on the next steps for follow-up with existing service coordinators and vendors as well as the next round of person centered thinking training. Joe shared some work that is being shared from Northstar Services in using the four questions. What have you tried, what have you learned, what are we pleased about and what are you concerned about. Next meeting April 7th.
Thanks Joe,
What time on April 7th? I want to stay involved (ELARC is allowing me to attend their coaches training with Michael on the 21st). I want to be able to start to have discussions with the parents who use (vendored) services about the VLF and PCT as they come to the resource center.
Truth, sorry it took a while to get back to you. Anyone who can find this site is welcome to comment. As of now, only I am notified when a comment comes in, so you may have a livelier time leaving comments on the most recent post. Welcome.
Minutes from VLF meeting 3/23/06
Opening round:
We discussed everyone’s positive experience from their attendance of the training with Michael Smull
Upcoming trainigs:
CIRCL Gathering, April 20, 21 Santa Cruz. Exploring the forensic needs San Diego September 29th. Ticket to work March 29th by familia Unida 323- 261-5565. You can work without losing your Medi-Cal- trainings through out the south land call PASC at 1-877-5654477. CDCAN teleconference meetings contact Marty Omoto to get on the email list of when they occur at
More feedback on Michael Smull coaches training:
We discussed how to involve more people from vendors, families, service coordinators, clinical team at our next trainings. At this time we have not had opportunity to debrief from this week to set the next step. We should have more information by next meeting with follow-up. We discussed the need to get up to speed with our own local trainers so that we can keep us heading along the path more consistently and not getting stuck in anyone place to long. We discussed how to be held accountable for the learning of the tools and getting proficient at using them.
Next learning community meeting:
First Friday of every month next meeting is at 2:00 4/7/06 @CHOICESS office
Path review:
Did not have time to review
Sharing tools used from the last month:
We passed around an end-of-life manual that has person centered thinking tools infused within the document. Looked over some scenarios that can be used along with the PCT tools to assist us with aging and end-of-life wishes.
Review actions:
This meeting went long and the discussion was extensive on our feedback with the training over the last three days. We did not have time to review any action items. So I will make it a priority to have some information at the next meeting of our next steps.
Frances reported that families wanted training in the area of technology and Augmentative and Facilitative communication training. She would like the VLF to co-sponsor the training with them in the near future.
Closing round:
To use the communication chart instead of the traditional ABC behavior record. (Alana)
We did not have time to go around the room but since I am drafting these minutes I will commit sharing and doing an exercise next month.
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