Monday, February 02, 2009


Meeting called to order by Esmeralda Gomez, acting chair at 10:18.

Meeting began with an announcement that the agenda would be adjusted and introductions.

Theresa (Lin?) from the board began with announcement that the board is interested in moving toward supported employment and hoping vendors can inspire clients to meet their goals.

There was a discussion of the budget principally of the fact that no one knows what is about to happen other than the 3% cut but that the total savings sought by the state could amount to roughly a 20% cut. You may contact Elizabeth Harrell for information about the Regional Center’s understanding and plans. Frances Jacobs suggested a letter from the VAC to DDS requesting input as stakeholders into cuts.

Esmeralda and Tammy Bachrach were nominated and elected as the new chair and vice-chair, respectively.

There was a presentation from Mark Starfford and Esmeralda on the board’s focus on employment. The CAC chairs will be visiting some of the larger providers.

A DVD was screened on the topic “Everyone can work.”


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