Thursday, February 09, 2006

New to blogging?

This post will explain the basics of what you are looking at and why the Eastern Los Angeles County Vendor Leadership Forum (VLF) created it. Another post, which you can read by clicking here explains what the VLF is.

What is a blog? The term BLOG is short for WEBLOG, basically a simple web-based journal with dated entries, typically with the most recent entries visible and the most recent one at the top.

What is the purpose of this blog? The purpose of this weblog is to allow anyone interested to follow the progress of the VLF, what decisions are being made and actions planned. Those who wish to, may contribute to the progress, decision-making and plans by giving feedback on this site. How to do that is explained below.

How can I give my opinions? Each entry has two sections. Immediately visible is the "post." This is the section which begins with the date it was posted and the title and continues in text and pictures beneath that title. On this weblog, the posts will be written by members of the VLF. Beneath each post, you will see small print giving a number and the word "comments." Comments are the second part of the entry and anyone can contribute their thoughts, ideas, questions, etc. here. Simply click on the word "comments" and you will be able to view the comments that have already been left and add your own.

What is the best way to read a weblog? For people who are merely mildly curious, read a post or two. For someone vitally curious who finds this site in the future, it may be useful to start at the beginning and read the whole site. In that case, it is useful to understand that a weblog is written backwards. To read chronologically, begin with the post on the bottom of the page, not the top. Also, only the most recent posts will be visible from the "front page." There are monthly archives available and linked to on the right.

What, if any, are the groundrules? The authors of this website understand that for many people, this system can be frustrating and opportunities to express yourself too rare. We do not require that commenters use a civil tone, stay on topic or praise anyone. We do wish this site to be comfortable for anyone interested, however, so we may exercise our power to delete comments if they:
1. Use profanity.
2. Include personal attacks against individuals by name, or if a single individual, criticized personally can be identified from the comment, or
3. Appear to be spam.

For instance, it is acceptable to say "All ILS providers are ravening wolves," or "One ILS agency I know of has an ugly Executive Director" but it is not acceptable to say "The Executive Director of ¡Arriba! ILS is an irredeemable scoundrel without hope of heaven," however obvious that may be to everyone,

Spam? Are you kidding me? Nope, like every other form of electronic communication, blogs get spam (comments not pertaining to the topic which promote other websites or businesses.) To make this site as accessible as possible we will begin without Spam filters, but may add some later. Available spam filters include a requirement that a commenter identify themselves through a blogger account (which may be itself anonymous) or that they type a code which is intentionally hard to read.


Blogger Doug The Una said...

This, for example, is a comment.

2/09/2006 2:27 PM  
Blogger Alana said...

So can I say, one ILS provider that I know of has a really swell and kind Executive Director?

don't delete, please don't delete...

2/09/2006 10:45 PM  
Blogger Doug The Una said...

Squaregirl, can you support that with evidence?

2/10/2006 3:29 AM  

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