ELARC Vendor Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 5-24-07

ELARC's VAC Meeting Thursday, May 24, 2007Time: 10:00 - 10:15
Item/Question: Opening Round
Who: All
Discussion/Information: Information
Outcome: We all shared what is going well in our lives.
Time: 10:15-10:30
Item/Question: Health Insurance for Consumers
Who: Pastor Charles Mackie and Rick Liuag
Discussion/Information: 2006 Medicare Advantage Plans
A. Medicare is overwhelmed with claims because more people turning 65 than ever.
Outsourcing allows private insurance to designs health plans to take some of the burden.
With Medicare Advantage Plans, Patients must get exact same medical
benefits (Medicare and Medicaid) with some ancillary benefits (i.e,
hearing aids); plans can be tailored to thepatient's
needs. Medicare Advantage Plans is restricted on how they
advertise to consumers who qualify for this program. They are
partnering with nationwide ministries, regional centers, hospitals, etc. Need Vendor
support to spread the inf

B. Alternative for Group Health Insurance with Vendors available. Will leave info. with RC.
Contact: Relief Plus, Rick Liuag 888.528.8538
Time: 10:30 - 10:40
Item/Question: Rosemary Crossley
Who: Brady Miller-Wakeham
Discussion/Information: Information
Outcome: On July 23, 2007, WAPEDH will host a community breakfast for Rosemary Crossley in uptown Whittier. www.wapedh.org
Time: 10:40-11:00
Item/Question: Facilitated Communication Training
Who: Marylin (FCT Trainer)
Discussion/Information: Information
Outcome: Consumer Sean was asked to share his experiences with FCT. The

Training allows consumers with developmental delays to communicate
functionally. Training opened up information available for non-verbal
*Flowchart of steps is needed to what steps to take to learn about communication and contact information.
Time: 11:00-11:05
Item/Question: New Vice Chair
Who: Joe
Discussion/Information: Discussion - Nominations for vice chair

Time: 11:05 - 11:15
Item/Question: FAC/VAC/CAC
Who: Joe/Yvette
Discussion/Information: Information
Ideas on how the committees can work together/Pick 6 Representatives of
the Committees July 7 during the retreat (Nominees: Oscar Carvajal-Infant Development, Tammy Bachrach-ILS, SLS, SE, Teresa Groak-Behavior Services, Pat Thornburg-Supported Employment , Jesus Fregoso-Residential, Doug Pascover, Alana Hampton-ABA emphasis on child, Baldo Paseta-Transportation);
Representative voted to participate in retrea.
Ideas on how the
committees can work together
1. Someone from VAC should go to other meetings and vice versa; committees to separat.
2. Broaden the BLOG Internet communication; VAC happy to resource.
3. Meet together, all in the room together once, twice, four times per year.
4. Would like to know other committees

Item/Question: Learning Community Gathering/Future Trainings/Developing On-going Learning
Who: Joe
Discussion/Information: Information
On-community appointing trainings (June 1st -First Friday of the month,
Temple City, CA/Joe's house) and community outreach; also focus on
Consumers receiving services. Submitted a grant for community-wide
Time: 11:30 - 11:35
Item/Question: Transportation/MTA rates going up
Who: Frances for Jessie Padilla
Discussion/Information: Information
Outcome: Awareness and speak up; wage enhancement activated
Time: 11:35 - 11:35
Item/Question: Parent Support Group
Who: Yvette
Discussion/Information: Information
Outcome: New 6-week Parent Support Group available in Whittier at Easter Seals
Doug Pascover will be Mentor for June 07. Patricia from Easter Seals will provide Hospitality.
yay Jacandra trees!
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