VAC meeting minutes for April
Joe moderating
10:05 Opening round, name, agency and one word describing how you feel.
10:20 Questions for Felipe. Introduced a work product by Susanne Foulk regarding referrals in early start. Tables were asked to reflect on what questions they would like for Felipe to answer at next month’s meeting.
Questions included: How do we get referrals? How do vendors get equal access to service coordinators with their marketing materials? Policy for transportation for early start and adult day programs. Where are the referrals? Can a vendor fair increase referrals? Are ILS hours being actively reduced or denied? Is due process being followed? Who makes the decision to use one vendor or another? What factors have led to the reductions in the area of adaptive skills training? What kind of training is provided to SCs regarding how to make an appropriate referral?
Yvette announced that the 2nd Tuesday in May from 12-2 there is a meeting of the FRC with Noriko present regarding Early Start referrals.
10: 30 CAC report (Miguel Lugo:) Meeting included Daniel Rojo (?) on spirituality and Matt Pope, CRA, presenting on emergency preparation. Well attended (18-20 attendees)
FAC report (Yvette Baptiste:) Gloria gave an update, answered questions on the budget. It was suggested that there be more legislative action including a legislative breakfast by families. Not much volunteerism to follow up though.
10:45 Discussion of a forum for discussing employment opportunities for RC clients, building capacity.
10:50 Gloria Wong presented on the budget.
Agenda: FY 2009-2010, FY 2010-2011, LDC closure
09-10 budget: Still a statewide deficit. 50% of RCs in surplus, ELARC in deficit.
Number of appeals at 600, from five per month.
per GW, ELARC had generous services which were highly affected, as well as clients well educated in their rights.
ELARC $4.5M in deficit, after receiving about $4M from DDS in withheld funds.
What does that mean
Deficit is dropping by about $25M per month.
Gloria provided her opinion on the sustainability of the system..
What’s at stake is entitlement.
10-11 budget: Deficit projected at $18B for California.
Governor will release his May Revision
3% reduction will continue for (at least) one more year.
$25M additional cuts to this system.
Individual Choice Budget Model (ICBM) offers the option to families of a fixed budget to use with vendored agencies Per GW, there was discussion of requiring all clients to se ICBM, but as of now the program will be voluntary. Target population to be school-age children. Focus on vendored services. Still working on how budget is to be developed.
Lanterman Developmental Center closing by June 30, 2012ish.
Q&A: Is there any existing residential facilities being used for LRC closure? No.
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