The PATH chart will receive periodic updates and we welcome input from everyone in the comments section below.
Joe D'Onofrio chaired the meeting.
Also in attendance were:
Cindy King, Almansor Center
Liz Harrell, participating on behalf of ELARC
Rodney Mojarro from PALS
Doug Pascover from ¡Arriba!
Thanks for posting this...I was sorry not to be able to go to the meeting.
From "just a dad" in a pre determined adjacent Regional Center I applaud ELARCers staff/vendors/clients the opportunity for all of us to learn and opine together....even if we are further east of ELARC.
Remind me again what POS stands for?
Is it really Pardon Our Stumbling???
And $3 billion dollars still IS a lot of money, isn't it? Right?
Wishing all thought effective dialogue via this media.
XXXX's dad and advocate.
Alana, you're welcome. You'll be able to cover for me at the March 3 meeting.
Mobiusman, delighted that you found this site. I think $3 Billion well-spent is still a lot. Please stick around and give XXXX my regards.
VLFers and Doug:
To use the original DNA of the RCs...THE Lanterman Act.
Fiscally IF RCs knew how to budget and allocate cost effectively and cost effectively in the aggregate, the regional centers staff would not have to complain about clients' needs. As a dad I have argued successfully in hearing about cost effective and prevailed....only to be admonished later by case management staff and supervisors, their "fact" that "parents aren't humble enough" about "all the stuff we give their kids" .......
ah, yes a Regional Center dollar doesn't go as far as it used to, but I can guarantee a Self Determination dollar is purer to the essence of and intent of Lanterman and can go 3-5 times farther than the RC overseen dollar.
Allocate based on need to the client. Work directlt with vendors who are willing to serve and quote the market rate. And save countless hundreds of millions in indirect nonproductive expenditures by 21 RCs, otherwise known in the nonprofit field as MG&F(Management, General and Fundraising)....since RCs don't raise money and give hundreds of thousands in association fees to ARCA(to protect salaries and operating expenses) we are left with MG that takes durable medical equipment, respite care, devlopmental services, and the like out of the mouths and the lives of all developmentally disabled in the state of California.....look at the Senate's own Audit of the Regional Centers in 1996(DDS/RC response essentially was.....didn't do it, wasn't us,we weren't there, not me, prove it).
Give me the pure allocated dollars intended to directly help DD without the current friction and fraction (is that where Frick and Frack came from?)of the POS/IEP/OAH system of service delivery.....and it will "threaten" to improve the system for clients tremendously.....continue the way it is, has been, and always will be....and you have built in disappointment.
How about a vendors/clients conference regionally to plan, design, and build a real system of success within the $3 billion DDS wants clients to receive....many of you, too, are 501(c)3 nonprofits and a little competition on an organized scale would save the State money and improve the lives of developmentally disabled and their families.
Just a dad
Mobius Man, I think you are correct that Self-Directed Services will really improve what can be accomplished for people with disabilities and their families. I have some fear that that the SDS program to be born will be over-regulated, exclude the people who can benefit the most and be far too located within the current system. We'll advocate and see. Thanks for your comment, faithful friend.
Good comments. But, I do not agree with most of them. People sure have a lot of time on their hands.
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