Meeting Minutes (from Joe)
On march 3rd we had our second Learning community meeting. Alana, Cathy and Joe were present sharing ideas of how to keep the momentum going and the learning happening in phases. We have a good start with the first round of person centered thinking training and coaches training. After this months coaches training with the regional center and vendors we will strategize with Michael Smull on the next steps for follow-up with existing service coordinators and vendors as well as the next round of person centered thinking training. Joe shared some work that is being shared from Northstar Services in using the four questions. What have you tried, what have you learned, what are we pleased about and what are you concerned about. Next meeting April 7th.
Hi Joe, I think you meant Cindy instead of Cathy.
Can anyone overseeing this blog share with me more specifics on the Michael Smull presentation the week of the 20th.
Is this for a limited/restricted group or can anyone who wants to learn how to improve their situation for themselves or a family member atten?
Who would we contact to attend/observe?
Have heard Michael at self determination breakout and he can offer lots of insight. And cares.
MM, I hope you got your information. We'll see which of us posts about today's meeting.
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