Thursday, June 15, 2006

Communication with the Community

This is the second in a series of weekly posts by members of the Vendor Leadership forum. The idea is that each week, one of us will write a short paragraph about thoughts that we have regarding the availability of person-centered support and then ask a question. All are invited to respond in the comments. So here is installment two.

What stops us from learning? Sometimes we are just too busy to learn-people mentally register something they've learned but it disappears amidst the day-to-day presures of life. Sometimes people simple don't think things through and so a mistake made or something which worked really well is forgotten. Sometimes learning doesn't happen because of blame culture-because people feel unable to 'own-up' to mistakes, the learning that might have resulted is buried and instead people cover their tracks.

So here is the question how do we ensure that learning is taking place? How do we find staff that are keen to learn? How do we as organizations provide a learning culture and environment?


Blogger Doug The Una said...

Joe, I think we all learn all the time. Where we can be a little lazy is in trying to direct our learning towards the wisdom we seek. It helps to conduct yourself aware that you're learning and to pay attention to what you're learning and what you want to know.

7/24/2006 12:19 PM  

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