Postcards from Portland, Day II
The second day of the ELP learning community conference was dedicated to person-centered thinking coaches. The emphasis is on not necessarily formal training but the roles that some people can play in informally habituating the new skills withing an organization. Topics include the need for coaches (making person-centered approaches ambient and habitual), some coaches training materials, supporting coaches and a feedback process (later today) meant to improve the coach training.
Insight of the day: Groups taking themselves too seriously can obstruct change- Alison Strong
Insight of the day: Groups taking themselves too seriously can obstruct change- Alison Strong
happy improving, Doug! I guess conferences like that are made so that managers like you will go home with new views to share with their employees.
You know, that Allison Strong sounds pretty smart! So are you fnding this training helpful Doug? It sounds like good stuff!
Thanks, Ariel. I get more and more incrementally better with every conference.
Alana, she's pretty smart. She's been to the U.S. three times (from England) and only to the west coast. That's just plain good planning.
Well, she must be brilliant then :)
So how long is this course gonna take and are you lecturing and inspire and insight of teh day for somebody else?
Life is a two-way street, ye know!
Minka, my own wisdom I keep locked in a vault. It's precious.
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