Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Time to Think Presentation - Part 1

Here are the powerpoint slides from Joe's presentation on the book "Time to Think" by Nancy Kline:

Time to Think Presentation - Part 2

TIme to Think - Presentation part 3

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

VAC Minutes 11-16-06

Here are the minutes for November's VAC meeting. Please e-mail me at if you noticed anything I left out. Thanks to Patricia for transcribing the Items for Information and to Joe for the delicious homemade peanut butter cookies!

Edited to add: I just realized that I left out Joe's excellent presentation on Time to Talk by Nancy Kline in the minutes. I will edit the minutes to reflect the presentation and get up the revised version soon after the Holiday weekend. Anything else I miss?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

VAC Agenda - November

Here is the agenda for November's VAC meeting. We will be following up on what we discussed last month, all which can be found on this weblog, so please review come prepared to provide input on what we would like the VAC's vision to be at our next VAC meeting, Thursday, November 16th.

Also, please scroll down and provide feedback to the questions to the second and third post below.

VAC Minutes - October

I'm working on getting my scanner to cooperate in order to provide clearer minutes, however until then, here are the minutes for October's VAC meeting.