Thursday, February 15, 2007

Burning Question

Question: What is the next step in the process of improving the Vendor Advisory Committee? This process began by addressing what the group saw as it's purpose, with a goal of adjusting the agenda and format of the meeting to best fulfill that vision. We have now discussed our highest value activities and the possibility that some of these activities will take place during the regular meeting, some will take place in separate subcommittees which will report back, and some take place here. Please add your feedback in the comments section, below.

So, to get to next steps there seem to me to be a few other questions that might inform the answer to the main one.

Do you feel that the activities we discussed at our tables are well enough defined to implement? If so, what would those activities look like during a meeting, if not, how would you propose to define them better?
What do you think would make sense as a reason for a given activity to take place during the regular meeting, in a subcommittee or here?
Can you think of goals or objectives we could establish to monitor progress on these activities?

Note: This post is being chemically altered to remain at the top of the page until one week before the next VAC meeting. There may be newer material beneath.

Also note: I will list the actual activities we discussed as soon as I get the list.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My Job Title

I kind of wondered why the pre-registration asked for a job title. I didn't think of a conference directory and if I had thought of it, I would not have thought anyone would read it. Putting "Limericist" was meant as an in-joke between me and whoever did the data entry. A limericist is someone who writes limericks.

So, for Pam Hayes of Valley Light Industries who insisted on Monday I bring her a limerick on Tuesday and never showed up to receive it:

When charlatans are all about
Let your heart be untroubled with doubt.
You still can seem saintly
By just hinting faintly
You found one not in the room out.