Thursday, June 26, 2008

VAC Meeting minutes, June 26, 2008

Coffee was abundant before the meeting.  Whoever brought it should get a rate increase and an envelope stuffed with referrals.  

Meeting called to order at 10:15.  Teresa Groak chairing this meeting.

Introductions until 10:18

Build relationship with DOR.  Information is being shared and information about joining meetings will be shared as available.

10:20 Client Satisfaction survey.  Georgina from Maxim has prepared a survey which was presented.  Discussion of distribution.  The questions were read:

Are you satisfied?
Are you satisfied with caregiver/staff
Are services being provided in a timely manner
Is the agency providing the services described by your program manager?
Are you happy with the amount of help the agency provides?
What best describes the overall level of customer service provided to you?  
Do you feel your caregiver is adequately trained?
What training/background would you prefer your caregiver/staff to have?
Can you suggest how the agency can improve the delivery of service?

Discussion of the risk for strange results.  Discussion of other languages, large font, graphics.  Cover letter necessary.    Some guy named Doug will serve on the committee with Georgina.  God's speed.

10:40 What's going on in the services that we provide?  Mark Starford presented How I Want to Spend My Time, a booklet and contract for insuring that choices are made thoughtfully especially when receiving new services.  Designed to be used by individuals on their own or with a small amount of support.

CAC/FAC feedback.  Esmeralda had some feedback.  Micro-enterprise.  How will vendors be trained?  Tammy from Easter Seals provided information.  Discovering the stage, developing the business plan. for more information.  Actually, is a landmine clearing agency.  Appropriate but if someone knows the correct link, please leave it in the comments.

ELARC working with Kerry (SIC?) Griffin to provide training.  

10:50 Preparation for annual retreat.  Focus on increased meaningful employment.  Motion to empower Cathay Liu (Doug, 2nd Pat) to choose 6 representatives from the VAC for the board retreat to represent various areas with an emphasis on diversity.  Vote passed without objection.

11:00 Return the FAC presentation (20-25 minutes) by a month.  Assisted communication and technology.  Motion by Pat Thornburg, Second by Georgina.  Passed without objection.  Sherry Brady, Rita Rubin.

11:07 Mark presented that AB 2424 passed with the expectation of amendments.

11:10 Please contact Teresa Groak or Regional Center (Pearl Ramirez (626) 299-4793) if you are not receiving notices of meetings.

11:11  Minutes approved as mailed.  (Motion Esmeralda, 2nd by Doug.)

11:12 Joyce Miramontes: There will be a "Resource Roundup" for agencies that provide employment services quarterly, beginning with August 7.  RC will be choosing the providers according to the regional center's criteria.  

Claudia volunteered to provision the next meeting.

11:15 Closing Rounds:  Share your excitements.

Pat Thornburgh announced that San Gabriel Valley Training Center is negotiating three new enclaves.  Claudia Estrada announced that a CAC member living at Canyon Springs DC is being allowed to volunteer at a local hospital.  Many hope to sleep, barbecue.  Almansor Center is opening an occupational therapy clinic downtown and may open one in Alhambra.  

11:25: Volunteers for FAC: Esmeralda, Doug

Raffle won by:  Beatriz Gonzalez a Starbucks gift card donated by Patricia.

11:25 Adjourned.
