VAC Meeting minutes, July 24, 2008
VAC July 24, 2008
Opening Round
Report on Retreat: Do a second mini survey; smooth transition successful employment.
Website job bank; School district LA and El Monte discussion taking place with ELARC to work with student in school (to consider competitive employment).
Will continue working with school districts. ELARC has working relationship with LAUSD and El Monte School District.
Volunteers to develop resource guide. Job bank development/search engine is being developed by Frances. Any employer will be asked for permission and discretionary instructions.
Mini Surveys go out to families to get leads for successful consumer employment. Developing a work group to open up. Identify and needs and develop resources.s
Employee handbook still in process.
Client Satisfaction Survey: Ask VAC if it is something that the VAC wants to take on? Voted yes.
Deadline: February deadline for first draft and open community-wide; aim is earlier.
Parent in Whittier ELARC are interested in networking in family and getting the word out. Micro-enterprising. Lily Whittier contact.
Committee Teresa Groak, Emily Lloyd, Patricia De Los Santos at ELARC Whittier 4th Thursday September 10 am.
Client Services Survey – Georgina Garcia
Approved, minor corrections will be made.
Look into going out with bulletin in November.
Include a self-addressed/stamped enveloped; looking for vendors to donate stamped envelopes
Follow up plan of action:
Clarify wording, make it simpler, and comprehensive.
FAC volunteered to survey families who come into FRC.
Veronica: can ask SCs can interview.
One final meeting: Reconvene with representation from ELARC.
What’s going on in the services we provide?
On going issues
Member input for next agenda
Speakers for next Sept/Nov VAC meeting suggestions for VAC meetings
Chair of Autism Society Rita Rubin (interested in talking to VAC; does volunteer work and ELARC parent. Giver her 20 minutes. Give us a month’s notice October.
Jesse Padilla volunteered to be a future VAC speaker.
Yvette B:
FRC 7th annual vendor fair; sept 16; 4-7pm;
Closing Round
Teresa de Jesus Groak
Opening Round
Report on Retreat: Do a second mini survey; smooth transition successful employment.
Website job bank; School district LA and El Monte discussion taking place with ELARC to work with student in school (to consider competitive employment).
Will continue working with school districts. ELARC has working relationship with LAUSD and El Monte School District.
Volunteers to develop resource guide. Job bank development/search engine is being developed by Frances. Any employer will be asked for permission and discretionary instructions.
Mini Surveys go out to families to get leads for successful consumer employment. Developing a work group to open up. Identify and needs and develop resources.s
Employee handbook still in process.
Client Satisfaction Survey: Ask VAC if it is something that the VAC wants to take on? Voted yes.
Deadline: February deadline for first draft and open community-wide; aim is earlier.
Parent in Whittier ELARC are interested in networking in family and getting the word out. Micro-enterprising. Lily Whittier contact.
Committee Teresa Groak, Emily Lloyd, Patricia De Los Santos at ELARC Whittier 4th Thursday September 10 am.
Client Services Survey – Georgina Garcia
Approved, minor corrections will be made.
Look into going out with bulletin in November.
Include a self-addressed/stamped enveloped; looking for vendors to donate stamped envelopes
Follow up plan of action:
Clarify wording, make it simpler, and comprehensive.
FAC volunteered to survey families who come into FRC.
Veronica: can ask SCs can interview.
One final meeting: Reconvene with representation from ELARC.
What’s going on in the services we provide?
On going issues
Member input for next agenda
Speakers for next Sept/Nov VAC meeting suggestions for VAC meetings
Chair of Autism Society Rita Rubin (interested in talking to VAC; does volunteer work and ELARC parent. Giver her 20 minutes. Give us a month’s notice October.
Jesse Padilla volunteered to be a future VAC speaker.
Yvette B:
FRC 7th annual vendor fair; sept 16; 4-7pm;
Closing Round
Teresa de Jesus Groak