1. Welcome: Tammy Bachrach – VAC Chair
2. The Role of the VAC: Advisory to the Board and serves as a forum for vendors
3. Board meeting/Community Meetings: looked at tools to help consumers for various purposes (transitioning, etc.) and are available to vendors
a. Consumer Advisory Meeting:
i. Next Oct 5th and Nov 2nd will be held in ELARC Board Meeting Room (12:00 pm to 3:00 pm) as a national community event on Sex and Relationships via teleconference. This event is for consumers, and space is limited. RSVP with Jesse Padilla.
ii. Emergency Training Program is under way for providers and advocates. If did not receive letter, contact Jesse.
b. Family Advisory Meeting:
c. Representatives to CAC & FAC.
4. Report from the Board Retreat
a. VAC’s use of the Consumer planning tools presented at the retreat (action)
1. Vote to discuss four tools for consumers in a future meeting (Available on consumer corner of DDS)
a. My Life, My Future
b. Making Informed Choices
c. Leadership through Personal Change
d. Creating Own Vision Statement
2. Will post on ELARC website to view and discuss putting on agenda for formal presentation of tools
5. Proposal the Board regarding next year’s Board Retreat
6. Update on Budget and Impact on Services (Gloria Wong)
a. 2 weeks ago ELARC received budget and instructions on how funds will be dispersed
b. 334 million taken off the top before funds are given to ELARC, approximate $8 million cut
c. DDS is not using SOAR: Sufficiency of Allocation Report. DDS will come up with new analysis report
d. In Jan 10, DDS will submit report projection, and there may be more potential budget cuts if $334 million propossed budget cuts are not met.
e. Not showing savings because of high volume of appeals (ELARC has one of the highest/200 per mo vs. 3/mo. Appeals are for suspended services (80%). Need to give 30-day notice to families, but still allowing appeals.
f. Future next 9 months/early part of next fiscal year: Individual Choice Budget (ICB) Model with capitated budgets ($14,000) may go into effect
g. Appeals process:
i. Regional Center gives 30 days notice
ii. Family needs to appeal within 10 calendar days to appeal. This is in the law.
i. If family does not appeal within 10 days, they will still get an appeal, but services will be terminated within the 30 days. Fair hearing request needs to be in writing, do not need a full description, just a couple of lines to meet timeline. If family agrees with notice but then changes their mind, this restarts the appeals the process.
iii. Appeal hearing may take a minimum of 75 days.
iv. Available in other languages, except Lanterman Act, upon request. No proper notice restarts timeline.
v. Vendors: can send email to SC to get update on appeals status. If families have questions about the appeal process, refer them to their service coordinator
7. Upcoming Events
a. Training Opportunities
b. New updated Vendor Uniform Holiday Schedule effective Nov. 13, 2009.
8. Hospitality next meeting: contact Tammy Bachrach
2. The Role of the VAC: Advisory to the Board and serves as a forum for vendors
3. Board meeting/Community Meetings: looked at tools to help consumers for various purposes (transitioning, etc.) and are available to vendors
a. Consumer Advisory Meeting:
i. Next Oct 5th and Nov 2nd will be held in ELARC Board Meeting Room (12:00 pm to 3:00 pm) as a national community event on Sex and Relationships via teleconference. This event is for consumers, and space is limited. RSVP with Jesse Padilla.
ii. Emergency Training Program is under way for providers and advocates. If did not receive letter, contact Jesse.
b. Family Advisory Meeting:
c. Representatives to CAC & FAC.
4. Report from the Board Retreat
a. VAC’s use of the Consumer planning tools presented at the retreat (action)
1. Vote to discuss four tools for consumers in a future meeting (Available on consumer corner of DDS)
a. My Life, My Future
b. Making Informed Choices
c. Leadership through Personal Change
d. Creating Own Vision Statement
2. Will post on ELARC website to view and discuss putting on agenda for formal presentation of tools
5. Proposal the Board regarding next year’s Board Retreat
6. Update on Budget and Impact on Services (Gloria Wong)
a. 2 weeks ago ELARC received budget and instructions on how funds will be dispersed
b. 334 million taken off the top before funds are given to ELARC, approximate $8 million cut
c. DDS is not using SOAR: Sufficiency of Allocation Report. DDS will come up with new analysis report
d. In Jan 10, DDS will submit report projection, and there may be more potential budget cuts if $334 million propossed budget cuts are not met.
e. Not showing savings because of high volume of appeals (ELARC has one of the highest/200 per mo vs. 3/mo. Appeals are for suspended services (80%). Need to give 30-day notice to families, but still allowing appeals.
f. Future next 9 months/early part of next fiscal year: Individual Choice Budget (ICB) Model with capitated budgets ($14,000) may go into effect
g. Appeals process:
i. Regional Center gives 30 days notice
ii. Family needs to appeal within 10 calendar days to appeal. This is in the law.
i. If family does not appeal within 10 days, they will still get an appeal, but services will be terminated within the 30 days. Fair hearing request needs to be in writing, do not need a full description, just a couple of lines to meet timeline. If family agrees with notice but then changes their mind, this restarts the appeals the process.
iii. Appeal hearing may take a minimum of 75 days.
iv. Available in other languages, except Lanterman Act, upon request. No proper notice restarts timeline.
v. Vendors: can send email to SC to get update on appeals status. If families have questions about the appeal process, refer them to their service coordinator
7. Upcoming Events
a. Training Opportunities
b. New updated Vendor Uniform Holiday Schedule effective Nov. 13, 2009.
8. Hospitality next meeting: contact Tammy Bachrach