Thursday, January 28, 2010

Minutes of the January 24, 2010 VAC meeting

Meeting called to order @ 10:05

Tammy, chair, set agenda and introduced Joe D’Onofrio for an opening round.

Qs: Name, Agency, What’s on your mind? (home or work)

10:20: Conversation at tables: 5 Minutes: What are the questions you are asking to be a topic at today’s meeting or future meetings.

Referrals, what is happening?

Upcoming budget issues. Additional cuts to provider rates. Key Housing corporation. CEO/Senior program?

Concern with cuts absent input from consumers and providers.

Setting Agenda for VAC for the year next month.

Meeting regarding CEO/Senior programs. How to implement? Will there be another 7% rate cut?

10:35 FAC meeting report: 3% rate cut will continue. There has been a levelling off of consumer appeals. There will be a budget reallocation for assessment and infant development intervention from prevention program.

Telling stories to legislators. FRC is having a training regarding that topic. Discussion of presentations being co-presented by a person with developmental disabilities.

10:45: CAC report (Jesse Padilla) Gloria attended and some questions went to how the cuts will affect people with disabilities, particularly regarding the Individual Choice Budget Model (ICBM) and whether clients will be able to to opt in or out. Clients were particularly concerned about cuts to ILS programs.

Access services is changing office and providing sensitivity training.

ELARC has provided 141 emergency backpacks. Few vendors have responded.

10:52, Joyce Miramontes ELARC reference to Alternative Senior Component, CEO components for day programs. Senior component, codes 515, 505, 510, 525, 028, 055, 063 need to offer 518, 505, 063 must offer CEO option. There are questions regarding rates and capacity. With more questions, call Martin Cogan.

There are templates available online for proposals.

Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) might be put in place if an agency does not offer CEOs Senior Alternative programs.

11:00 Are there trainings that VAC might offer or presentations.

Training topics:

Service providers, hard to locate resources to help consumers with all the budget cuts.

DDS meet with VAC before board meeting.

Finding ways to collaborate on insurance costs

Labor law changes.

Risk training cf Person-Centered Risk.

Resource round-up.

Broader spectrum


Recommendation that the board monitor that necessary ID team meetings are being held went to the board, Was tabled in November and not acted on in January.

Discussion of the importance of our bringing technical assistance, support and motions to the board.